I Have To Cope...
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Animal Rights: we need about learn about their emotions
Recently a research explains that the rats have empathy. The research want to find evidence about the animals that scientifics use in their experiments. Specifically, the researchers found evidence indicate that rats can feel anxiety and stress when they see to other rats in aversive situations. This research is important because shows the animals no human if can feel compassion by others. ( http://www.somosprimates.com/2011/12/ratas-compasivas/ )
I think is necesary the animal experimentation because it is important for to be possible many medicine that save lives humans and the other animals . To me the problem is ethic and moral. What life is the most important? Maybe we shouldnt change the things in the world and the sick people should die. This problem should be one of the most discussed for philosophers and today there no solution.
I have a pet, is a dog but i feel bad because it has not place for run or rest quiet. I could got other dog if i have big house and i have the money for send it to veterinary always that it need.
The other point is the zoo. In the beggining, in Europe the zoos had humans, indigenous, the zoos were for entertainment and the rich collect all rare species . However, to my mind the zoos should be for education , because the people know very little about nature. The zoos should not have animals that need things that the zoo can not give it, the Buin zoo dont have elephants because they need to live with their great family , if elephant do not stay with their familiy they could got depression. Finally, i want to work in a Zoo. A psychologist in a Zoo ?!! You could be impressed. But in the zoos also there are people. And when i go the zoo i see very people that dont know how behave in a zoo. I want to help the humans and animal that we can to understand ourself and them.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Care your planet

I haven´t joined any eco-organisations becaus i am some paranoid and i think Greenpeace just associated with big companies and greenpeace only against with rival companies. And i think the people that support eco-organisation may conform with send money but the most important is change our habits and the education.
In summer vacation, i travel with my brother and cousins to Talca and Chillan, and we camping near river. We used to fishing but now, the river is contamined and fishes go out there . Also the river is destroyed. is very changed compared with the past. The trucks remove and put stones in the river, it hurts when we swiming and the landscape isnt beautiful. Is very sad, i agree with companies but i thinks if they use the nature they should restore the place. ...if you occupy something you must return as you recived it !!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The music in my life
The music is a gathering with myself. When i play music with any instrument, my thoughts dissapears and i just feel the rythm and melody. In my life the music is very important because is a particular lenguage that all people should know.
I love all music exept that play in partys. I think party-music should be listen only in party. When in my house somebody listen this type music i am grouch and irritable. I like Clasic rock, Pop-rock, Pop, Punk, Metal, Clasical, Blues, Jazz, Celtic, Egyptian and Japanese, also i listen sometimes hip-hop. However i confess that happy music is not my favorite.
Two years ago i had a metal musica band. I play electric guitar and we played in metal and rock fests. Also, when i was in school i played with some classmates the play Superstar Jesuschrist and also i did tribute to Red Hot Chilli Peppers. You can see good times that i have had with music.
I have a electric guitar, acoustic guitar, also a keyboard of my cousin and a accordion for my grandmother. When I was a child had a drums, but never learned because nobody teached me. Nowadays i want to get a Shakuhachi, a japanese flute that use for meditate. I would get musical instruments of all cultures and all types, strings, wind or percussion.
The music is universal lenguaje, that any cultura can use for comunicate with other culture. Herman Hesse (my favorite writer) wrote that music is fastest way for two persons form friendship.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
When we are responsible?
In Chile, many people can answer that we are responsible
when we are 18 years old, and according the Law, 16 and 14 years depending the
case. Otherwise in England, the responsability according the law is 10 years!
Its seems english people really are very severe. But, Alok Jha published a
paper in The Guardian, about how neuroscience can change this conception about
early liability, He claims that parts of the brain responsible for decision-making and
impulse control are still developing during a person's teens.
A number of psychologists have already shown that adolescents are
not wholly responsible individuals and are inclined to take risks and behave in
irresponsible ways, . What neuroscience has shown in the last 10 years is that
this is at least associated with the fact that the brain continues to develop
throughout adolescence. Then, the question is... Can we demand liability
to who don,t yet development his brain? Maybe, this is like if we would demand
to little baby that he walk like a adolescent
Acordding the paper the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible
for decision-making, impulse control and cognitive control, is among the
slowest parts of the brain to mature and is not fully developed until around
the age of 20. Neuroscience adds to the evidence that a 10 or 12 or 15-year-old
does not have a fully adult brain in many important respects. Also, I
learn in my carrer, especifically in my subjects; Neuroscience,
Neurophysiology, Psychopathology and Development, that drugs cause cognitive
development delay and many brains problems.
But, drugs are not the only reason, research has also shown that
there is huge variation between individuals and that the development of the
slowest-developing parts of the brain is associated with comparable changes in
mental functions such as IQ, suggestibility, impulsivity, memory and
decision-making. If the variation is normal, can we think that exist a
only age of responsability?
It is clear that at the age of 10 the brain is developmentally
immature, and continues to undergo important changes linked to regulating one's
own behaviour," said the report. "There is concern among some
professionals in this field that the age of criminal responsibility in the UK
is unreasonably low, and the evidence of individual differences suggests that
an arbitrary cut-off age may not be justifiable."
The paper finishes with a thought. The royal society says that it
is necessary an international meeting of
neuroscientists and lawyers every three years to discuss the latest advances. It
is necessary because is so relevant to update the knowledge about the human
behavior and they lawyers can write better laws.
Link to original paper: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/dec/13/age-criminal-responsibility-brain-scientists
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I agree with Liberty
The first that thought comes to my mind when i hear the word euthanasia is death. It`s rather obvious but is true. I can imagine an scene about a terminal patient who is suffering a lot and who can not live like the normal people, he is not free. I am thinking about the film "The sea inside". This Film is about a famous spanish case of euthanasia. It is based on the real story of Ramón Sampedro, who had an accident in his youth and he became quadriplegic and remained bedridden for nearly 30 years and who wanted to die with dignity.
I am an atheist. I don´t believe in religions or gods. There is no life after death. For this reason i think that we should not feel afraid of death, we should be afraid of unworthy life because life is all that we have.
The governement should not have the right to keep suffering people alive, neither religion or any other people because life should be a personal choice and nobody can choose for us.
In conclusion, The way i see it, euthanasia should be a universal right. I agree with euthansia because i agree with liberty.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Japan or New Zeland ? Culture or nature?
I would like visit a country with a
language totally unknow for me. For example, Germany, Japan or Sweden, because
i think different lenguage is related with different way to think. Our
verbal behavior is essential for interact with other persons , also is
important for the education. I want to know many cultures and Japan can to be a
good place. However, also i would want know a natural place, like a jungle or
forest, It can be New Zealand, Canada or Australia.
The martial arts are very famous in the world and Japan is a cradle of
the many martial arts.Moreover, Japan had developed many tecnhologys, because
the japaneses have many good scientists. Instead, I know about that New
Zealand have many forest with assorted fauna.
In Japan, I would visit a dojo and i
would practice a martial art. Also I would visit the universitys and
laboratorys. Later, i would eat traditional food . If i would visit New Zeland
i would eat tradional food and I would listen folk music. Also i would go on a
trip for the forest.
I would study in Japan, maybe I
would make a psychological research about japanese people. But i wouldn´t live
there because i prefer live in a peaceful place like Switzerland . And if i
would go New Zeland, maybe live there because it seems to be a peaceful and
beatiful pleace.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The chilean films are so boring!

I don`t often go to the cinema because i can to watch films online in my computer in my bed. Watching films in home is cheaper than cinema. The past year, i rented with my girlfriend, three or five films in videoclub, a place for renting films, but now we don´t have time for to watch films because we have classes in summer
I actually think the chilean films are not good. I think they are so boring. Many chileans films are about sexuality or simple humor.However, i went to watch "Ogu y Mampato en Rapanui" to the cinema because it´s a animation about mistery and exotic culture.
My favorites films are about science fiction, epic battles, superheros and thrillers. For example, "I, robot" , "Lord of the Rings", The gladiator, "Batman, the dark knight". However, also i love films disney films that i watched when i was a child. Roobbin hood, Goofy and Donald duck, Tarzan, the fox and the hound and Aladin.
I would to love they made a fantasy film about me. For example, I got superpowers, then a normal day, aliens comes to the earth in spaceships and i must to help the humankind. I think that i like this type of films because the life is boring and when impossible things happens the life is more funny than before.
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